Tag Archives: yoga

My Life in the Suburbs

I knew that when I moved to Oak Park, my life was going to be a tiny bit lonelier. While living in Chicago, my calendar was full with friends, volunteering, yoga, and dates (with dumb idiots).

  • By moving out to the *suburbs*, I realized that I’d see friends less since it’s a {rather small} trek.
  • I am no longer tutoring since it’s a {rather small} trek to get back home from the location.
  • Though I still teach yoga on Saturday mornings, it’s the only class I’m teaching at the moment. 
  • Yup, I’m still going on dumb dates with dumb idiots; in fact, the first one in a while is tonight (which probably means I should wait to post this so you can get the live update on how it went since I’m sure you’re waiting with baited breath on news of my dating life…). 

Continue reading My Life in the Suburbs

That Time I Sobbed While Meditating

I’ve flirted with the idea of meditation for quite some time (what is meditation you ask? read here). In December 2015, I went to a yoga and meditation retreat where five minutes into every 30 minute-session my legs ached from sitting still – we did that twice a day for five days, mind you. A while back, I read an article about seven ways to happiness (see previous post) which states that you should meditate for two minutes every day. I tried that for like…2 days…then I gave up. At one point, I downloaded the Headspace app. Fell asleep every time…because I did it before bed. *insert eye roll emoji here*

I have been lucky enough to have some amazing “out of body” experiences, too (literally and figuratively). When I first started taking yoga classes in college, I’d lay in savasana (that relaxing pose at the end of every class) and could SEE MYSELF. No freakin’ joke. I’d be above myself looking AT myself. (And, no, I wasn’t dead, in purgatory, or in seven minutes in heaven.) Also, almost every time I go to my acupuncturist, I can zone out in mediation with needles stuck out of my head, hands, legs, and feet for a good 20-30 minutes.

Continue reading That Time I Sobbed While Meditating

A Perfectly Imperfect Yogi

My first ever yoga class was my freshman year in college, a hard-to-believe 14 years ago. My dedication to the practice has ebbed and flowed but I’ve always really enjoyed it and have felt the benefits both internally and externally.

I’ve gone to countless studios, been on 2 yoga retreats (with the 3rd taking place over Labor Day weekend, and hopefully a 4th in December), and completed yoga teacher training. Despite all of the hours I’ve spent in downward facing dog, I am an imperfect yogi.

I can’t turn my mind off during meditation.

My feet go numb if I sit for too long.

My hips are as stiff as the tin man. 

I can’t turn my neck in the opposite direction as my legs while lying down.

I can’t look up during triangle for more than 30 seconds.

I can’t stay longer than a second in crow. 

My headstand and handstand leave something to be desired. 


Continue reading A Perfectly Imperfect Yogi

Fave 4 Chicago: Yoga Studios

In this new series, I’ll share my fave 4 lists of things to see, eat, and do in Chicago. Today, my holiest of hobbies: yoga!

I have been practicing yoga for nearly half of my life. My first class was my freshman year of college and I have been hooked ever since. I finished my 200-hour yoga teacher training in California, luxuriated at two yoga retreats (Cambodia and India), and taken countless classes in really cool spaces.

My traveling mat in Cambodia

Now that I’ve been in Chicago for 3.5 years, I’ve tried out plenty of studios and wanted to shout the good word about my favorite four.

When choosing a yoga studio, there are a number of factors to consider:

  1. price
  2. location
  3. types of classes
  4. ability to try it out, take a free class
  5. instructors

Without further ado, my Fave 4 Chicago: Yoga Studios! Continue reading Fave 4 Chicago: Yoga Studios

Finding Inner Peace in the Cambodian Countryside 

Set amongst rice paddies, thatched huts brimming with smiling children, ancient temples, and markets filled with dried meats, fresh fruit, and shampoos in tinny pouches, Hariharalaya is a paradise in the Cambodian countryside. With twice daily yoga and meditation sessions, three types of massages, and myriad fresh pressed juices and vegan delights, the retreat is perfect for the yoga aficionado and the meditation novice alike.


The 6-day session I attended at Hariharalaya featured students from various countries, including Germany, France, Italy, Canada, the U.S., Poland, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and England. We came together for this week to find inner peace, relaxation, and/or a deeper yoga or meditation practice.

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